Puppy Mills

A puppy mill is a place of inhumane, deplorable conditions where innocent animals are bred over and over again for maximum profitability. The only way these mills will go away is with your help.

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 It is not uncommon for these dogs to have extremely matted coats that cut off circulation, rotting teeth, and ulcers in their eyes (Anderson Humane Society).

 The picture above is of a puppy mill in Nebraska. These dogs will spend the rest of their lives in these wire cages that cut into their feet. Chances are, they will rarely be let out and will never get to run or roll around in the grass (Coalition Against Misery).

 Death is inevitable under conditions of extreme heat or cold because air conditioning or heated facilities are inexistent. If these dogs receive a roof, they are lucky since so many dogs cook on the wires of their own cage in the hot, summer heat (Anderson Humane Society).

 Since puppy mills are all about money, it is to no surprise that the breeder will maximize its profitability by breeding a female from her first heat cycle until she cannot reproduce anymore. After that, she becomes a burden to the operation and is bludgeoned to death or shot, if she's lucky (Coalition Against Misery).

Sometimes puppies are debarked. Basically what they do is shove a steel rod down the puppy's throat to rupture its vocal cords. This cruel practice sometimes leaves the puppy with a broken jaw ( F.D.& Sons Hardware).

Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania are known as "Puppy Mill States" because they have the highest concentration of puppy mills in the US (Geology).

 Pet stores will tell you that their puppies come from reputable, local breeders. Do not take their word. Demand to see their papers so that you can check the breeder out before making an impulsive decision (Google Image).



The only way to stop puppy mills is to stop buying their dogs from pet stores.

Check out your local humane society and rescue a puppy in need of a home (HSUS).

 Prisoners of Greed is a non-profit organization that has needs in order to keep saving animals from puppy mills. All money donated will go to them directly. you can see what your money would be going to at their website at <http://www.prisonersofgreed.org/Needs.html>

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